
Haemostatic forceps baby-crile, straight, 14 cm

BMT GD - Micro scissors westcott, straight, 12 cm

Scissors Kelly, straight, 16 cm

BMT GD - Scissors beebe, sharp, straight, 11cm

Needle holder Smaha, straight, 14 cm

Ligature scissors littauer, straight, 14 cm

BMT GD - Scissors Goldman-Fox, straight, super-cut, 13.5cm

Scissors Goldman-Fox, straight, 12 cm

BMT GD - Tissue scissors, straight, 10.5cm

Scissors, straight, toothed, 11cm

BMT GD - Needle holder jacobson, straight, tc, 18cm

BMT GD - Scissors iris, straight, super-cut, 11cm

BMT GD - Scissors iris, straight, sharp, 11cm

BMT GD - Needle holder castroviejo, straight, tc, 14cm

Scissors Iris, straight, serrated, super-cut, 11cm

BMT GD - Needle holder castroviejo, straight, tc, 14cm

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