
Sinus Elevation Kits

– Combined function of Diamond Drill and Reamer Drill.

– The smooth surface makes cleaning easy and leaves no residue after cleaning.

– Stopper provides safe drilling without damaging a membrane even when visibility is poor.

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1. Non-blind crestal sinus lift

2. NEW Express Bur

– Combined function of Diamond Drill and Reamer Drill.

– The smooth surface makes cleaning easy and leaves no residue after cleaning.

– Stopper provides safe drilling without damaging a membrane even when visibility is poor.

3. ASBE Trephine Bur with Stopper!

– Drilling to your desired depth.

4. Simplified procedures for ideal sinus lift crestal approach.


1. 3-step lateral window, preserving bone

2. Window opener that opens like magic!

– There is no additional cost for using Membrane after – Grafting.

3. Simplified procedures for ideal sinus lift laterally approach.

Sinus Combination Kit

Sinus Combination kit consists of components which enable both the sinus lateral approach technique and sinus crestal approach technique with one kit.

– Essential components for Sinus Lift & Elevation technique
– Convenience for users as the Sinus Combination Kit

Sinus Combination Kit consists of

01. Initial Drill: Ø1.8 Drill, Ø2.3 Drill [2EA]
02. Crestal Reamer: Ø2.8, Ø3.3, Ø3.8 [3EA]
03. Crestal Stopper: 8EA
04. Crestal Diamond Reamer: Ø2.8
05. Crestal Aqua Lift: Ø2.8 / Ø3.3 / Ø4.2
06. Aqua Hand Adapter
07. Depth Gauge
08. Lateral Stopper: 5EA
09. Lateral Reamer: Ø8.0, Ø6.5 / Ø8.0
10. Lateral Core Drill: Ø7.0
11. Lateral Diamond Reamer: Ø6.5 / Ø8.0
12. Lateral Side Drill: Ø3.0
13. Lateral Diamond Core Reamer: Ø7.0
14. Sinus Curette: 5EA

Simple Sinus Kit

  • Cost effective!
  • Only includes the essential components you need and use from sinus combination kit.
  • Simple Sinus Kit can be purchased separately which composed essential items from the Sinus Combination Kit

Crestal Reamer Kit

Lateral Reamer Kit

Easy Sinus Flexible Curette

Easy Sinus Flexible Curette adopts the flexible type which can be beat freely.This curettes effectively buffer the sinus membrane during serration

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