
Pure Collagen Sponge

When there are clear indications of an expected and hard to stop bleed, following a tooth extraction, for example in heart patients that use blood thinners or in case when you have a bleed that’s difficult to manage or maybe you’re getting more bleeding than you’d think you should be, it is highly recommended to use a resorbable hemostatic agent that you could place into the socket and prevent further bleeding. DSI presents PureSponge, a highly porous absorbable collagen material used as a hemostatic agent and wound dressing in a wide array of oral surgical procedures, designed to help protect, repair and heal oral wounds. Prevents the stop of blood thinner intake in heart patients, prior to any dental surgical procedure. Made out of purified 100% bovine collagen type 1, sterile, every unit is packaged individually.

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When there are clear indications of an expected and hard to stop bleed, following a tooth extraction, for example in heart patients that use blood thinners or in case when you have a bleed that’s difficult to manage or maybe you’re getting more bleeding than you’d think you should be, it is highly recommended to use a resorbable hemostatic agent that you could place into the socket and prevent further bleeding. DSI presents PureSponge, a highly porous absorbable collagen material used as a hemostatic agent and wound dressing in a wide array of oral surgical procedures, designed to help protect, repair and heal oral wounds. Prevents the stop of blood thinner intake in heart patients, prior to any dental surgical procedure. Made out of purified 100% bovine collagen type 1, sterile, every unit is packaged individually.

Used for:
• Post extraction tissue Void Filling.
• Treating periodontal defects.
• Biopsy procedures.
• Treating alveolar ridge defects.
• Socket grafting.
• Treating Schneiderian membrane tears.
• Treating subantral augmentation.
• Sinus graft containment.
• Periodontal guided bone regeneration.
• Soft tissue recontouring.
• Three convenient shapes for common oral wounds and procedures.
• Protects the wound bed.
• An absorbable matrix supports newly formed tissue.
• Designed to resorb in 3 weeks short timeframe.
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