
matrix system refills

In Stock

sectional matrix rings

myClip 2.0 Separator Ring with forceps

REF 6805
myClip 2.0 / 2 pcs.
myTines M / 2 pairs
myTines S / 1 pair
myTines L / 1 pair

myRing Forte Separator Ring Sectional matrix System Conservative Dentistry

REF 6806
myRing Forte / 2 pcs.
myTines M / 2 pairs
myTines S / 1 pair
myTines L / 1 pair

myring classico separator ring without silicone tubes

REF 6804
myRing Classico / 2 pz.
Delta Tubes / 2 pairs

estremities for sectional matrix rings

mytines small cavities

REF 6304
myTines Small / 6 pairs for
myClip 2.0 & myRing Forte

mytines medium estremities myclip myring forte sectional matrix system

REF 6303
myTines Medium/ 6 pairs for
myClip 2.0 & myRing Forte

mytines large estremities myclip myring forte sectional matrix system

REF 6306
myTines Large/ 6 pairs for
myClip 2.0 & myRing Forte

diamod24 silicone estremities sectional matrix ring

REF 6312
Diamond24 / 15 pairs for
myRing Classico

delta tubes silicone tubes for separator rings

REF 5712
Delta Tubes / 15 pairs for
myRing Classico

junior sectional matrix rings and estremities

myclip junior paediatric sectional matrix ring

REF 6335
myClip Junior 2 pcs.

myclip junior paediatric sectional matrix ring

REF 6336
myRing Junior 2 pcs.

myTines Junior estremities sectional matrix ring

REF 6333
myTines Junior
15 pairs for myRing Junior & myClip Junior

silicone tubes estremities sectional matrix ring

REF 5711
Silicone Tubes
15 pairs for myRing Junior & myClip Junior

steel sectional matrices

Sectional Matrix Quickmat Molar Premolar Thin

Quickmat Sectional Matrices,
premolar 0,025 mm / 5 mm

REF – 5735
Qty. 100

Sectional Matrix Quickmat Molar Premolar

Quickmat Sectional Matrices,
molar 0,025 mm / 6,4 mm

REF – 5736
Qty. 100

Sectional Matrix Quickmat Molar Premolar

Quickmat Sectional Matrices,
molar 0,025 mm / 6,4 mm

REF – 5736
Qty. 100

Sectional Matrix Quickmat Molar Premolar Thin

Quickmat Sectional Matrices,
molar 0,04 mm / 6,4 mm

REF – 5706
Qty. 100

Sectional Matrix Quickmat Molar Premolar

Quickmat Sectional Matrices,
premolar 0,04 mm / 5 mm

REF – 5705
Qty. 100

Sectional Matrix Quickmat Molar Premolar extension

Quickmat Sectional Matrices,
extended 0,025 mm / 6,4 mm+est.

REF – 5756
Qty. 50

Sectional Matrix Quickmat Molar Premolar extension

Quickmat Sectional Matrices,
extended 0,04 mm / 6,4 mm+est.

REF – 5746
Qty. 50

junior quickmat steel sectional matrix

Junior Quickmat Sectional Matrices,
Premolar  0,04 mm / 3,75 mm

REF – 5708
Qty. 100

transparent sectional matrices

Transparent Quickmat Sectional matrix

Quickmat Transparent Sectional Matrices,
premolar 0.075mm / 5mm

REF – 5765
Qty. 100

Transparent Sectional matrix Molar

Quickmat Transparent Sectional Matrices,
molar 0.075mm / 6.4mm

REF – 5766
Qty. 100

Transparent Quickmat Sectional matrix

Quickmat Transparent Sectional Matrices,
extended 0.075mm / 6.4mm+Ext.

REF – 5776
Qty. 50

LumiContrast sectional matrices

Sectional Matrix LumiContrast ì

LumiContrast Sectional Matrices,
premolar 0.025mm / 5mm

REF – 6735
Qty. 70

Sectional Matrix LumiContrast ì

LumiContrast Sectional Matrices,
molar 0.025mm / 6.4mm

REF – 6736
Qty. 70

Sectional Matrix LumiContrast ì

LumiContrast Sectional Matrices,
premolar 0.04mm / 5mm

REF – 6705
Qty. 70

Sectional Matrix LumiContrast ì

LumiContrast Sectional Matrices,
molar 0.04mm / 6.4mm

REF – 6706
Qty. 70

Sectional Matrix LumiContrast extension

LumiContrast Sectional Matrices,
extended 0.025mm / 6.4mm+Ext.

REF – 6756
Qty. 50

Sectional Matrix LumiContrast extension

LumiContrast Sectional Matrices,
extended 0.04mm / 6.4mm+Ext.

REF – 6746
Qty. 50

junior lumicontrast sectional matrx

Junior LumiContrast Sectional Matrices,
Premolar 0.04mm / 3.75mm

REF – 6708
Qty. 70

matrices Unica anterior

matrix system Unica anterior for anterior restorations

Matrices Unica anterior

REF – 6912
Qty. 50

matrix system Unica anterior for anterior restorations

Matrices Unica anterior

REF – 6912
Qty. 12

matrices for Maximat Plus tensioning system

Maximat Plus refill Matrix Preloaded

Empty disposable spools

REF – 5121
Qty. 100

Maximat Plus refill Matrix Preloaded

Empty disposable spools

REF – 5122
Qty. 100

Maximat Plus refill Matrix Preloaded

Spools with pre-loaded, contoured metal matrices
0,04 mm / 5,5 mm high

REF – 5123
Qty. 30

Maximat Plus refill Matrix Preloaded

Spools with pre-loaded, contoured metal matrices
0,04 mm / 6,3 mm altezza

REF – 5124
Qty. 30

Maximat Plus refill Matrix Preloaded

Spools with pre-loaded, contoured metal matrices
0,025mm / 5,5 mm high

REF – 5125
Qty. 30

Maximat Plus refill Matrix Preloaded

Spools with pre-loaded, contoured metal matrices
0,025mm / 6,3mm high

REF – 5126
Qty. 30

Maximat Plus refill Matrix Preloaded

Empty autoclavable spools

REF – 5127
Qty. 5

Tofflemire matrix superthin

Tofflemire matrices microthin  0,025 mm /  6,3 mm high

REF – 5920
Qty. 50

Tofflemire matrix superthin

Tofflemire matrices microthin
0,025 mm /  5,5 mm high

REF – 5921
Qty. 50

wood interdental wedges

Dental Wood Wedge Pinky

Pinky Wood Wedges,
11 mm (XS)

REF – 5011
Qty. 200

Dental Wood Wedge Blue Large

Wood Wedges,
12 mm (S)

REF – 5012
Qty. 100

Dental Wood Wedge Green Medium

Wood Wedges,
13 mm (M)

REF – 5013
Qty. 100

Dental Wood Wedge Yellow Small

Wood Wedges,
15 mm (L)

REF – 5015
Qty. 100

plastic interdental wedges myWedge

Plastic Dental Wedge myWedge XS

Extrasmall (XS)

REF – 7101
Qty. 100

Plastic Dental Wedge myWedge S

Small (S)

REF – 7102
Qty. 100

Plastic Dental Wedge myWedge M

Medium (M)

REF – 7103
Qty. 100

Plastic Dental Wedge myWedge L

Large (L)

REF – 7104
Qty. 100

plastic interdental wedges The Wedge

the wedge dental wedge transparent xs

The Wegde,
Extrasmall (XS)

REF – 7011
Qty. 100

the wedge dental wedge transparent x

The Wegde,
Small (S)

REF – 7012
Qty. 100

the wedge dental wedge transparent medium

The Wegde,
Medium (M)

REF – 7013
Qty. 100

the wedge dental wedge transparent large

The Wegde,
Large (L)

REF – 7015
Qty. 100

Dental Wedges transparent The Wedge

The Wegde, assorted (XS, S, M, L)

REF – 7001
Qty. 100

Dental Wedges transparent The Wedge

The Wegde, assorted (XS, S, M, L)

REF – 7040
Qty. 400


myCustomResin Liquid Dam

myCustom Resin

REF – 6811
3ml Syringe & 10 pcs. needle tips gauge 18


myForceps forceps for sectional matrix rings


REF – 5707
Qty. 1

Forceps for dental matrices myQuickmatrix Forceps

myQuickmatrix Forceps

REF – 5703
Qty. 1


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