
DSI Iodoform

DSI Iodoform is a fine-crystalline amber-yellow powder with a persistent and pungent odor. The active ingredient is Triiodomethane with the special formula of CHI3. DSI Iodoform powder is insoluble in water, alcohol, organic oils, and easily soluble in ether.
DSI Iodoform finds wide application as a disinfectant and antiseptic. It also has antifungal and antiprotozoal effects.
Iodoform is commonly used as a healing and antiseptic dressing after dental surgeries, tooth extractions, and canal preparations. Effectively stops capillary bleeding and has a weak analgesic effect.
Iodine, which forms under the influence of tissue secretions, air, and light, promotes faster cleaning of the wound surface and enhances tissue granulation. The use of iodoform on the wound surface leads to the formation of albuminates, which block receptors’ irritation. Thanks to this, DSI Iodoform Powder does not irritate the peri-apical tissues when removed from the apex.DSI Iodoform Powder does not have a resorptive-toxic and local irritating effect.

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DSI Iodoform is a fine-crystalline amber-yellow powder with a persistent and pungent odor. The active ingredient is Triiodomethane with the special formula of CHI3. DSI Iodoform powder is insoluble in water, alcohol, organic oils, and easily soluble in ether.
DSI Iodoform finds wide application as a disinfectant and antiseptic. It also has antifungal and antiprotozoal effects.
Iodoform is commonly used as a healing and antiseptic dressing after dental surgeries, tooth extractions, and canal preparations. Effectively stops capillary bleeding and has a weak analgesic effect.
Iodine, which forms under the influence of tissue secretions, air, and light, promotes faster cleaning of the wound surface and enhances tissue granulation. The use of iodoform on the wound surface leads to the formation of albuminates, which block receptors’ irritation. Thanks to this, DSI Iodoform Powder does not irritate the peri-apical tissues when removed from the apex.DSI Iodoform Powder does not have a resorptive-toxic and local irritating effect.

for disinfection when treating a variety of wounds.
to stop bleeding
used as an intracanal filler in endodontic practice.
for treating infected canals in case of chronic periodontitis.
for teeth apexification in the occurrence of periodontitis, in the occurrence of the non-formed apex, tooth perforations, and bone resorption.
for wound dressing after dental surgeries, tooth extractions, and canal preparations.
Utilized as a therapeutic pad for the restoration of painful and inflamed pulp in the case of pulpitis.
Used as a pad under permanent fillings when treating deep caries.
Have a high pH level (12.5) creating long bactericidal effect, radiopacity, pulp regeneration.
Capability to pierce deeply into dentine canals also to seal them as a result of dough adjuster on a water base.
Used with sterilized water until a homogenous dough is gotten.
Used as a therapeutic pad for the regeneration of traumatic and inflamed pulp in case of pulpitis.

1Iodoform Iodoform

iodoform-PROMO Iodoform

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