
BMT GD - Tissue micro forcep lembo, oval, 10cm

BMT GD - Taso - membrane placement forceps, #9

Tissue forceps Gerald, straight, 1x2 teeth, 18 cm

BMT GD - Dressing forceps gerald, straight, 18 cm

BMT GD - Dressing forceps gerald, curved, 18 cm

BMT GD - Tissue forcep, adson, 1x2 teeth, 12cm

BMT GD - Haemostatic forceps kelly, straight, 14 cm

BMT GD - Tissue forcep, adson-brown, strait, 6x6 teeth, 12cm

BMT GD - Tissue forcep semken, 1x2 teeth, straight, 13cm

BMT GD - Haemostatic forceps kelly, curved, 14 cm

BMT GD - Tissue forcep semken, 1x2 teeth, curved, 13cm

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