Diamond Wedge
The Bioclear Diamond Wedge is designed to solve many of the difficulties in using traditional wedges. The Diamond Wedge requires less effort to place than traditional wedges due to the diamond shaped cut-out in the tip, which collapses during insertion. The wedge then springs open once through the embrasure, creating
Original Anterior Matrix – A Series
Bioclear Anterior matrices allow for a modern approach to composite dentistry. They have less curvature than the Diastema Closure matrices and are used for everyday restorative dentistry as well as in aesthetic treatments where small spaces need to be filled.
BT Matrix Series
Bioclear is pleased to introduce the Black Triangle System, a new matrix system that enables black triangle closure much faster than with the original Bioclear matrices. Black Triangle matrices are custom designed for black triangle treatment and require no trimming prior to seating. A color-coded gauge and matrices make choosing
Original Anterior Matrix – DC Series
The Diastema Closure matrices are for creating new and exaggerated emergence profiles, closing diastema larger than 1mm and for large black triangles. The Diastema Closure matrices have more curvature than the Anterior matrices. Combining papilla regeneration with space closure is the key to optimal diastema closure.
Biofit Blue Series
The Bioclear Biofit BLUE matrices introduce new matrix technology and designs that ensure ideal tooth contours. Formed with transparent blue 50µ mylar, the large occlusal tab aids in matrix placement and control when wedging while the clarity of the mylar allows thorough light-curing. Mylar matrices also leave the composite more
360° Veneer Matrix Series
The Bioclear 360° Veneer comes as a 6 tooth kit with 12 matrices that are specially designed to create a 2 part form around the tooth by using both mesial and distal abutting matrices. This form creates a mold around the tooth, sealing the gingival margins and enabling heated composite
Biofit HD Series
The HD series Bioclear Biofit matrices introduce new matrix technology and designs that ensure ideal tooth contours. Formed with translucent white 75µ mylar, the stiffer mylar and placement tab provides a rigid structure that makes the matrix easy to place while the translucence of the mylar allows ample light to
HD Matrix DC Series
The Bioclear DC HD matrices are for closing large black triangles where there is still a contact between the teeth, they are not for closing full diastemas where there is no contact present. They hold their shape better than traditional matrices and are more resistant to deformation. Like traditional Bioclear
HD Matrix A Series
Bioclear HD Anterior Matrices, like traditional Bioclear Anterior Matrices, allow for a modern approach to composite dentistry but are stiffer than traditional matrices, and so, are easier to place. They have all of the same advantages of traditional Bioclear Anterior Matrices, including predictable restoration or change of a tooth’s emergence
TruContact Saws and Sanders
Contact optimization is an essential part of the Bioclear Method. Natural contacts are generally too tight and too rough to allow insertion of a mylar matrix. Bioclear TruContact Saws and Sanders are designed to work in sequence to lighten the contact which then improves the ease of placement of the
Diamond Wedge Kit
The Bioclear Diamond Wedge is designed to solve many of the difficulties in using traditional wedges. The Diamond Wedge requires less effort to place than traditional wedges due to the diamond shaped cut-out in the tip, which collapses during insertion. The wedge then springs open once through the embrasure, creating
TruContact Kit
Variety pack of TruContact Saws and Sanders. Contact optimization is an essential part of the Bioclear Method. Natural contacts are generally too tight and too rough to allow insertion of a mylar matrix. Bioclear TruContact Saws and Sanders are designed to work in sequence to lighten the contact which then
RS Polisher
The all new RS Polisher is the final step to the famous “Rock Star Polish”. The RS polisher is to be used after the pre-polish with the Magic Mix. When used with water and heavy pressure the RS Polisher will create a mylar like surface. The updated formula creates a final